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Organization Story

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Yardeh Hope 4 Life Foundation, Inc. is a grassroots 501(C)(3), not-for-profit organization founded in 2016 by a daughter and mother team in Georgia. The primary purpose for establishing this organization is to alert the public to the importance of emphasizing the fact that chronic abdominal adhesion is the least diagnosed gastrointestinal illness. Although it can be fatal to the individual, it is considered a chronic disease. The scariest thing about chronic abdominal adhesion is that the individual can have it without ever being aware until it is too late.


The only medical treatment for this disease is surgery. Still, more abdominal surgery can cause rapid growth of internal intestinal scar tissues and can lead to the frozen abdomen or bowel obstruction. This can be fatal because there is so little known about this problem. Nationally, there is an overall lack of knowledge about this issue, especially in terms of protective measures during abdominal surgery, preventive measures to slow the development of adhesion in at-risk patients fight abdominal adhesion, and raising awareness of this disorder.


Because I was never made aware of my adhesions, nor had any knowledge that there was any possibility this could happen to me, it is now too late for any kind of surgery to be performed. My symptoms began as severe abdominal pain, frequent nausea, vomiting, bloating,  diarrhea, faintness, dizziness, among other things. But no one seemed to be able to explain to me why these things were occurring.


Knowing firsthand the emotional and psychological impact of chronic abdominal adhesion and learning that no surgeon will ever attempt another surgical procedure on me, is what precipitated the formation of this organization.  It was through my own desperation for answers and the desire to educate the public about my own experience with chronic abdominal adhesions that spurred me to create Yardeh Hope 4 Life Foundation (YH4L). Through this organization, our mission is to educate others about the seriousness of this condition, and the negative impact it can have on the person suffering from the disorder.


Additionally, YH4L utilizes community outreach and workshops where we share access to resources to assist people suffering from adhesion disorder. We also assist caregivers better cope with life challenges in the underserved population in Barrow and Gwinnett Counties. The YH4LF foundation also provides social service activities such as “Community Give Back”,  fundraising programs, and the Resources necessary to reach out to all men, women, young adults, seniors, individuals at-risk,  military families and veterans to adequately assist these various populations with their own specific needs.​


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